Self-Selection Conference Survey
Did you reschedule any of your matches in the self-selection conference?
Did you reschedule any of your matches in the self-selection conference?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Participating in the self-selection conference improved the value our school receives from NACE membership.
Participating in the self-selection conference improved the value our school receives from NACE membership.
The other schools in my conference were easier to contact and coordinate with than my opponents in regional conferences in the past.
I was very involved in the operation of the self-selection conference.
If given the opportunity, I would prefer to play in a self-selection conference over the Superconference (if invited).
Assuming the schedule allows, I would prefer to play in both a self-selection conference AND the Superconference (if invited).
Do you have any additional feedback or thoughts regarding your experience this year in the self-selection conference.
Has anyone in NACE expressed their interest to you in participating in a self-selection conference? If so, please share their name(s) and email(s) / Discord username(s)