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Winter Business Meeting 2023

The 2023 Winter Business Meeting will take place on Thursday, December 7th from 11 am CST to 2 pm CST in the NACE Discord server.
Staff who plan to participate as their school's voting delegate should fill out the form below.

First Name

Last Name


Job Title

Institution Email

Discord Username

Are you the official voting delegate for your institution? (see below)

Are you the official voting delegate for your institution? (see below)
NACE Constitution Article XI, Section B - Voting Procedures
"Each active member institution in good standing shall have one vote at the annual meeting. The institutional vote shall be cast by the chief executive officer of the institution or by a faculty or staff member from that institution as designated by the chief executive officer of the member institution.
All voting delegates shall be authorized to the NACE Executive Director 72 hours prior to the annual meeting.
NACE shall recognize a quorum to be one third of NACE active members. Such number must be authorized as voting delegates at the annual meeting in order to conduct the official business of the Association."