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NACE Awards 2024 Finalist Voting

Hello Members!

Welcome to the official voting form for the 2024 NACE Awards. We are excited to have you participate in selecting this year's winners!

Important Information:

- Voting Closes: Friday, July 12th at midnight CST
- Eligibility: ONE VOTE per member school - your program director or assigned representative should submit one ballot for your school - Who are the Finalists?: Learn more about each finalist

Please ensure that you have carefully considered your choice before submitting, as each school is only allowed one vote. Your participation is crucial in determining the winners, so make your vote count!

Thank you for your involvement and support. - NACE Awards Committee

Your Name

Your School

Your Role / Job Title

Your School Email

Discord ID

Distinguished Member Awards

Awarded to an individual who has displayed outstanding leadership and mentorship, while actively advocating for ethical practices and sustainability. Their commitment is demonstrated through impacts across collegiate esports.
Awarded to an individual with fewer than two years experience in collegiate esports as a full-time program director. They display outstanding abilities in the development of their program whether it be competitively, academically or within their community.
Acknowledges a program for significant contributions to collegiate esports in the past year. Through competitive achievements, content, events or academics, they've elevated standards, introduced innovation, and increased awareness across collegiate esports.
Awarded to a program that has been active for two years or fewer. This program has entered the space and has shown to be on the path to excellence. They have displayed outstanding achievements either competitively, academically or within their community.
Awarded to a non-program director for outstanding leadership, mentorship, and contributions to their program's success. Full-time, part-time and Graduate Assistant staff members at a NACE institution are eligible to be nominated.
(select 5) A student who has demonstrated exceptional leadership among their peers. This student has exhibited outstanding contributions to their collegiate esports community through efforts such as effectively captaining a team, managing events, hosting club initiatives, coaching or broadcasting.

Production & Content Awards

This award recognizes a student who had the foresight and wisdom to capture the most thrilling moments on camera in the past academic year.
This award recognizes a student who brought insight and electricity to a broadcast as an on-air talent in the last academic year.
This awards celebrates a program for their excellence in transforming creative visions into reality. The team excels in delivering high-quality broadcasts with. meticulous attention to detail that defines their work from behind-the-scenes coordination to on-screen performances.
This award recognizes a student who turned the gears behind some of the best and brightest social media content the past academic year.
This award recognizes exceptional marketing that goes beyond traditional boundaries. Their innovative social media campaigns, content and creativity set them apart as true trailblazers.
The Outstanding Event Award recognizes the overall success of a school-led event from the last academic year. This event could be a competitive or scholastic tournament, a professional development convention, educational panels, grassroots open events and more. This award recognizes the college who hosted the event and their partner(s) who made it possible.

Advocacy Awards

For outstanding advocacy of scholastic esports as a whole. Winner may be an individual or group.
To recognize and celebrate an educator in the collegiate esports industry that offers high educational value for others.
Recognizing companies that have actively supported the collegiate esports community over the past year. This support goes beyond financial contributions and includes offering valuable knowledge, resources, and opportunities for students and programs. Nominees will demonstrate a commitment to promoting the industry, conducting marketing efforts, generating mainstream interest, and facilitating student growth through meaningful connections and experiences.